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Info Center

  • Events Calendar

    • Tax Events - important tax deadlines

    • Firm Events

  • Client Tax Organizer

    • Provide us with your important information to help kick-start our services for you.

  • IRS Forms & Publications

    • An online library or ready to download tax forms and publications from the IRS.

  • Client Life-Cycle Reading Rack

    • These guides are a combination of the most up-to-date tax resources and online technology put together in a reader-friendly format. They incorporate the latest tax laws out of Washington, DC, along with rulings and decisions from the IRS and the federal courts. Each guide quickly presents the key tax principles, provides examples that illustrate complex tax rules, practice tips that save time, money, and litigation worries, as well as cautions that warn of hidden dangers in the tax laws.


  • A collection of up-to-date Newsletters with the latest tax information catered for you.  

WMET Newsletter

Financial Tools

  • An extensive list of powerful interactive financial tools for basic financial analyses. How much is owed on credit cards, a cost-of-debt calculator, auto loan calculator, leasing vs. buying, student budgeting, checkbook balancer and much more!


  • Online resources we'd love to share with you.

Info Center: News and Updates
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